So this is my first post on my first Professional blog devoted to technology and learning (I've had a family blog for about a year). This blog is one of those things that I’ve agonized over, procrastinated on for months and basically just put off until now. I even skipped an entire day and a ½ WITHOUT TWEETING! You see, I am sitting on 999 updates (well, I was!) and I decided to make my 1000th update a link to this blog, which meant I had to get this thing going!

Actually, making the blog was the big hurdle. What should it look like? What widgets do I put on it? What do I call it? How do I edit HTML to make it work like I want it to? What links do I put on it? All those kinds of silly things that don’t really matter to anyone but me have consumed WAY to much of my time in the creation phase of this thing, yet I did get it how I want it…for now. The next hurdle I have stared at for too long is the question of what do I have to say to the edtech world that someone hasn’t already posted? There are so many AMAZINGLY BRILLIANT folks contributing to the edublogosphere that I wonder if there is room for one more voice and if I even have anything original or valuable to say? Well, I guess we will find out!

So my reflection for this post is on silencing my “tweeter” for almost 2 days! I didn’t stop reading tweets…I just refrained from sending. I was present but just couldn’t say anything and didn’t participate in the conversation. And that’s what Twitter has become for me- a giant conversation w/Giants that changes quickly, challenges deeply and consistently equips me with the best resources and ideas for doing my job better. I don’t think I realized how much I share (which is very little compared to many of those I follow) until I stopped. Replying to others, retweeting, sharing links, posting TwitPics, adding in my comments and random tweets throughout my day are things I have grown very attached to and somewhat dependent on. I think many of us start our day with Twitter. I check Tweetdeck before reading email or Google Reader. It’s one of those tools that has gone from a novelty to a necessity for me. So let’s just say, I am glad the blog is up, the silence…or should I say “twilence” is lifted and I can get back to the conversation, as well as a few things here at work that have been neglected while getting this done.

And as for this whole starting a new blog thing…

It’s sort of like getting a new car. First, you research for weeks, shop around and kick lots of tires. Next, you buy it, get the seat adjusted, position the mirrors, tune the radio and press all the buttons. Finally, you are ready to take it out for that initial drive when you are not really thinking about where you are going and instead, focusing on enjoying your new ride. But pretty soon you get settled and it becomes less about the car and more about what it’s meant to do…which is get you from one place to another. I think that’s how this blog will be…I will quit tweaking the widgets and just start using it as a place to post my thoughts, reflections, and connect with others. Only time will tell if really discover the power that this thing has and really start using it for its original purpose, which is to share and connect.


Anonymous said...


I'm so glad to see you in the driver's seat of your own professional blog! I've enjoyed getting to know you virtually through your twitter posts and love to browse through the materials you and Suzan Brandt share on your wiki. Now, I'm looking forward to learning even more from you here.

You are correct when you say Twitter has gone from a novelty to a necessity. I feel the same. It's amazing to me how much valuable information is shared in such a small space. I feel fortunate to count you and so many others as part of my learning community in Twitter and across the web.

Best of luck in this new venture!

Mrs. J said...

Congratulations on taking a huge step out of your comfort zone. You have so many talents and such passion, you need a larger audience. I'll be watching!

Nancy Devine said...

congratulations on your next step. i say keep tweaking the widgets and playing around. this space doesn't have to be perfect to be good.

Jeff Richardson said...

Thanks for you comments! I have a long way to go but I do feel that the road is laid before me now and I appreciate you helping me get started on the right foot.

Anonymous said...

I have added your blog to my Google Reader. I like the title of your blog. You do a great job at changing their minds, but still have many skeptics out there! Maybe we can start a twitaholic group soon?

AND...You already have post #2 up. Looks like it has already become a part of your routine.


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